May of 1871 saw a group of consecrated Christians (ex-slaves), requesting permission to establish the Scotts Creek Liberty Baptist Church as
their place of worship. With mutual agreement the Scotts Creek Baptist Church (white) granted letters to: Moses Bryson, Sip Bryson, Ella Bryson,
Betsy Bryson, Lucinda Love, Sylvia Bryson, Rena Bryson, Abby Bryson, Elizabeth Bryson, and Dorcus Love. The Scotts Creek Baptist Church and
the mother church, assisted in organization of the Scotts Creek Liberty Baptist Church. The first Location was in a Log Cabin, on the upper part
of Col. Daniel G. Bryson's farm, near the Gum Springs, which is also near the Billy Ray Bryson's home now.
Spiritual Leaders & Important Events
Rev. Frank F. Hemphill was the first pastor. He was followed by Rev. Charlie Hemphill, Rev. Rubin Hemphill, Rev. Calvin Hemphill,
Rev. Caleb Johnstone, Rev. Ned Smith, Rev. John Mills, Rev. Frank Brown, Rev. Jim Bristol, Rev. Frank F. Wallace, and Rev. Ransom Powell.
These early ministers, especially the Hemphill Brothers, walked and carried the gospel to at least nine Western North Carolina counties.
They organized many churches and associations, and led many to know the Lord.
On October 7, 1899 Cornelius Knox, M.C Whittenburg and Joseph Babb purchased one half acre of land for the first Negro school, located
just back of the Liberty Baptist Church. In the year 1900 the one room frame building was erected, and interest began to enter around the
school. In that year, the church moved from the Log Cabin to worship in the school.
In 1900 this little congregation called Rev. J.S. Ritchie to serve as pastor. On Dec. 8, 1903 Peter Bryson, William Whitmire and Rev. J.S.
Ritchie, Trustees, purchased one half acre of land adjoining the school property for the future home for the church.
In the year 1906 the church was completed. The Rev. Ritchie being called to another church. Rev. A. S. Copney was tendered a call and proved
himself an able leader. The first Deacon Board was Pink Love,Chairman; Ike Freeman, Aaron Babb, Jim Love and Jess Underwood. The first
Missionary Society was organized, under the leadership of Rev. Copney. Mrs. Bessie Lee, President: Mrs Sarah Pickens Treasurer; Mrs f. M Love,
Secretary; M.C. Whittenburg, J.W. Brown, Clarence Love and Thomas Pickens were added to the Deacon Board.
1911 Rev. L. W. Foreman was given a call, and served the church faithfully for one year.
1912 Rev. A. M. Wiley became pastor and merited the love and devotion of the congregation. During his administration the tower was added to
the church building.
1914 Rev. S. Hollings was called and served for six months.
1914 Rev. H. E. Henderson accepted a call and served with distinction
1915 Rev. W. M. Moffett was chosen to lead the congregation. The church bell was bought under his leadership.
1916 Rev. J.S. Ritchie was again called to be the standard bearer, the church prospered under his leadership, Many accepted the Lord.
1918 Rev. S. B Logan accepted a call, and pastored for five years.
1922 Rev.E. W. Dixon was extended a call, and with his great pulpit brilliancy led the church to a peak of peace and harmony.
1923 Rev. C. R. Robinson was given a call, and under his leadership many improvements were made.
1925 Rev. W. M. Hamilton accepted a call. Rev. Hamilton was highly esteemed and led the church to new heights. Added to the Deacon Board
: E.M. Curry and McKinley Whittenburg.
1928 Rev. J. H. Smith was given a call to pastor the church. Because of the above spiritual giants, who brought to Liberty such a fine
background of pulpitry and excellent training, the church greatly increased in membership. The following are some the accomplishments
1929 New addition was stated on the church
1930 The church addition was finished and Henry Love was added to the Deacon Board.
1940 Rev. J. H. Smith, Rev. A.H. Wilson, Rev. John H. Davis, and Rev. N.G. Cox; had a ground breaking ceremonies. The old building was razed
and work began on the new church. J.L Alston, J. D. Norman and R. H. Davis were added to the Deacon Board.
1942 On the fourth Sunday in the congregation marched into the new building of rock-veneer and concrete construction at an estimated cost
of $14000,00. J.W. Wade, W.S. Sreater, F.C. Dorsey and William Lay were added to the Deacon Board.
1958 January, 10; the Rock church burned down.
1959 April, the supervision of Mr. Joe Davis work began on new Church.
December, on the last Sunday the congregation marched into a new church and the Deacon Board was F.C. Dorsey, James Norman and
Roosevelt Scruggs. Trustees, Sylvester Love and Lyndon Casey.
1982 After fifty four (54) years Dr. Rev. J.H. Smith Retired due to his health.
1983 Rev. Luther B. Reed was given the call to pastor Liberty.
1988 Rev. Luther B. Reed resigned due to his health
1988 Rev. J. Eugene Smith was elected pastor
2003 Rev. J. Eugene Smith resigned due to health
2003 Rev. Dr. Paul Miller served as Interim Pastor
2004 Rev. Charles Lee was called to be Pastor at Liberty